Based on price at $0.615
- Current Yield = 6.07%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.91
- Assets per unit = $0.68
- Debt per unit = $0.01
- Gearing = 0%
PerennialCRT is listed on SGX with a IPO price at the bottom of their price range which is $0.70. Currently their price is stable at $0.615 which gives 6.07% yield. At current yield, it has not reached my target of 8% yet.
One good thing is that currently there is no debt. This gives them a lot of room to expand and improve its yield. Moreover, their prospectus has stated that they are going to grow and improve their NAV to $0.82 and beyond. I think this is good and makes it cheaper than it seems now.
However, I am more concerned about how much the yield is going to improve than its NAV. It seems more like a growth REIT rather than a dividend REIT. If one is going for growth, this might be a good choice. To me, I am more concerned on preservation of capital and high yield to supplement my income. At current statistics, I will wait until there are more details on its yield before I decide on whether to invest in it.
ReplyDeleteWould be interesting to get your view on this counter since it has changed so much..