- Current Yield = 7.52%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 1.087
- Assets per unit = $2.091
- Debt per unit = $0.554 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 26.5%
- Secured NAV = $0.659 (39.5%)
Its price-to-book ratio is unfortunately still at a high of 1.087. But with its recent private placement and debt repayment, its gearing is at a healthy 26.5% which is arguably the lowest among the industrial REITs (comparing with Cambridge Industrial Trust, Cache Logistics Trust and Sabana REIT). Secured NAV is at 39.5%, not very high but encouraging.
Most indicators seems very healthy for AIMSAMP REIT. I do have some cash for investment and it seems that I am going for this to enhance my portfolio yield. Moreover, I believe that there are more redevelopment coming in which helps to enhance its yield and NAV, a strategy which other REITs are less likely to do.
This article is helpful for me. I will use it for my future experience and useful for our environment too. I will follow the article for my future.
ReplyDeletefire damage monterey
Hi Rainbow,
DeleteMany thanks for your encouraging comments. :-)