- Yield = 8.41%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.893
- Assets per unit = $2.303
- Debt per unit = $0.786 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 34.1%
Yield is currently at 8.41% which is quite comparable to its peers which yield ranges from 7.17% (Ascendas REIT) to Cache Logistics Trust (9.90%). Its price-to-book ratio is at 0.893 which is also quite comparable to its peers. Gearing is at a healthy 34.1%.
I would say that this counter is currently at fair value and is no longer as cheap as before. Maybe it is because other counters have fallen more than usual which resulted in this situation because I remember it has been quite attractive even at higher price. I have 11,000 shares and will hold on for more dividends and potential growth but will look into other counters for new investments.
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