- Yield = 7.47%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.646
- Assets per unit = $1.394
- Debt per unit = $0.465 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 33.4%
Far East Hospitality Trust just reported their results which sort of caught my interest and made me consider adding them into my portfolio. Let's take a look at the statistics.
Yield is at a modest 7.47% which is quite comparable to other hospitality trust. However, their price-to-book ratio is 0.646, making them the cheapest hospitality trust in SGX. They are also the second cheapest REIT in SGX considering all sectors. Only Sabana REIT is cheaper. With a gearing of 33.4%, it looks quite safe.
Of course, the revenue is really dependent on the tourism and this is a pure-Singapore play. To be frank, I like Singapore play REITs since I live here and I am able to monitor the situation better. With such cheap REITs going on, I will consider seriously to add this into my portfolio.
Yield is at a modest 7.47% which is quite comparable to other hospitality trust. However, their price-to-book ratio is 0.646, making them the cheapest hospitality trust in SGX. They are also the second cheapest REIT in SGX considering all sectors. Only Sabana REIT is cheaper. With a gearing of 33.4%, it looks quite safe.
Of course, the revenue is really dependent on the tourism and this is a pure-Singapore play. To be frank, I like Singapore play REITs since I live here and I am able to monitor the situation better. With such cheap REITs going on, I will consider seriously to add this into my portfolio.
The PE ratio is about 40+, hence I'm apprehensive about its prospects