- Yield = 9.08%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 1.029
- Assets per unit = $1.374
- Debt per unit = $0.582 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 42.3%
- Occupancy = 91%
Viva Industrial Trust has published their results which is very favourable and has caused their price to increase to $0.815. Their price has been steadily increasing for a while already so have to look at the statistics again.
Yield is currently at 9.08% which is still very high at current standards. Moreover, with occupancy at 91%, there are still some room for further organic growth in yield but not a lot. However, one indicator which is getting not as good because of the rise in trading price is their price-to-book ratio. It is not at 1.029 which means we are buying at a premium. Compared to Sabana REIT, Cambridge Industrial Trust, AIMSAMP REIT and EC World REIT, it is no longer attractive. These REITs are still trading at a discount to NAV. Gearing is at 42.3% which is ok.
This is one of the REITs which I bought when it is still trading at a discount to NAV and it has risen. I am vested with 87,100 shares and I will be enjoying about $1,600 worth of dividends. Moving forward, I will be looking at other counters to see whether I need to unload and switch to another counter.
Yield is currently at 9.08% which is still very high at current standards. Moreover, with occupancy at 91%, there are still some room for further organic growth in yield but not a lot. However, one indicator which is getting not as good because of the rise in trading price is their price-to-book ratio. It is not at 1.029 which means we are buying at a premium. Compared to Sabana REIT, Cambridge Industrial Trust, AIMSAMP REIT and EC World REIT, it is no longer attractive. These REITs are still trading at a discount to NAV. Gearing is at 42.3% which is ok.
This is one of the REITs which I bought when it is still trading at a discount to NAV and it has risen. I am vested with 87,100 shares and I will be enjoying about $1,600 worth of dividends. Moving forward, I will be looking at other counters to see whether I need to unload and switch to another counter.
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