- Yield = 7.26%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.886
- Assets per unit = $1.26
- Debt per unit = $0.622 (including current liabilities and perpetual securities)
- Gearing = 49.4%
- Occupancy = 91%
ESR REIT has been aggressive in acquiring new properties and also selling properties to enhance the value of the REIT. Let's take a look at the statistics.
With the current price, we are buying at 7.26% yield but with the inclusion of the recent two acquisition, we may be looking at 9% yield which is higher than Sabana REIT and Viva Industrial Trust. If it really materialize, then this is probably one of the best REITs around. Moreover, its price-to-book ratio is at 0.886 which means we are buying at 12% discount to NAV which is still good for us.
I was wondering why the price has not gone up and probably is because there may be a rights issue coming up which sort of depressed the share price. I see this as an opportunity and probably will be making my move to increase my share holdings. I am currently holding on to 56,000 shares.
With the current price, we are buying at 7.26% yield but with the inclusion of the recent two acquisition, we may be looking at 9% yield which is higher than Sabana REIT and Viva Industrial Trust. If it really materialize, then this is probably one of the best REITs around. Moreover, its price-to-book ratio is at 0.886 which means we are buying at 12% discount to NAV which is still good for us.
I was wondering why the price has not gone up and probably is because there may be a rights issue coming up which sort of depressed the share price. I see this as an opportunity and probably will be making my move to increase my share holdings. I am currently holding on to 56,000 shares.
Hi, I'm new to investing in reits so i'm curious (and if you don't mind giving pointers to fellow here) how you derive the gearing for all the co.?