- Yield = 7.43%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.648
- Assets per unit = $2.309
- Debt per unit = $0.897 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 38.8%
With a yield of 7.43%, it is not really fantastic although it is still quite high among the office REITs. But what attracts me is their price-to-book ratio which is at 0.648. This means we are buying at 35% discount to NAV which is quite a bargain. Compared to the largest office REIT which is Capital Commercial Trust, it is still about 10% cheaper. Gearing is at a healthy 38.8% which is not in danger.
The yield and price-to-book ratio caught my eye and I am willing to consider reinvesting into this counter since the statistics is quite good actually. Let's see if there are other good counters around first.
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