- Yield = 10.22%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.858
- Assets per unit = $0.694
- Debt per unit = $0.315 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 45.4%
- Occupancy = 94.7%
- Secured NAV = $0.379 (116% of trading price)
With a yield of 10.22%, it is the highest yielding REIT in the market. It is at least one percentage point away from the next highest which is Viva Industrial Trust. Moreover, their price-to-book ratio is 0.858 which means we are buying at 14% discount to valuation price. Gearing is at 45.4% with current liabilities and only unsecured debt. This means that their secured NAV is quite high at 116% of trading price. Please note that all assets are based in Indonesia.
Indonesia continues to grow at a moderate pace of 5% which I thought it was nice to be able to participate in their growth. Compared to Singapore where growth is much subdued, it is time to invest in other regions. But I will still invest through SGX. With the current price, I will enter to secure more units soon.
How about the risk of currency exchange rate?