- Yield = 6.17%
- Price-to-book Ratio = 0.829
- Assets per unit = $2.245
- Debt per unit = $1.388 (including current liabilities)
- Gearing = 61.8%
OUE Commercial Trust has been in my portfolio for two years now with about 30,300 shares. It has generated two years of return and I am also sitting on a 10% capital gain. Let's take a look at the statistics.
With a yield of 6.17%, it is currently very low according to my criteria of 8%. But the good thing is that its price to book ratio is 0.829 which means I am buying at 17% discount even at current price. Gearing is at 61.8% because I have considered perpetual securities as loans instead of equities.
OUE Commercial Trust has served its purpose of helping me to diversify into Office REITs and their price has moved to a position where there is no reason for further improvement. I am looking at unloading this and looking for something else to put in.
With a yield of 6.17%, it is currently very low according to my criteria of 8%. But the good thing is that its price to book ratio is 0.829 which means I am buying at 17% discount even at current price. Gearing is at 61.8% because I have considered perpetual securities as loans instead of equities.
OUE Commercial Trust has served its purpose of helping me to diversify into Office REITs and their price has moved to a position where there is no reason for further improvement. I am looking at unloading this and looking for something else to put in.
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